First Love: A Renewed Desire 

Devotion: First Love; A Renewed Desire  Have you ever felt like you've just been going through the motions of life? With anything you do, even something you really love, it feels like there's just no passion, no desire or spark for it anymore? I know I have. For a while, like I stated in the … Continue reading First Love: A Renewed Desire 

Introducing The Heiress Diaries: “Who Does She Think She Is?”

Hey gals (and maybe some guys!) Welcome to my very first blog post ever! So you may be wondering "why the Heiress Diaries? Who does she think she is?" Well my answer is simple. I'm an heiress. First things first, what exactly is an heiress? According to the Oxford dictionary, an heiress is a woman inheriting … Continue reading Introducing The Heiress Diaries: “Who Does She Think She Is?”